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Configuring Sentry for lower environments

Steps to configure Sentry for lower envs

  1. Check if the dsn is present in sentry.config.ts and as a precondition Sentry has to configured for the repo before proceeding with the configuration for lower environment.

  2. In the web repo Sentry will be configured in index.jsx and in function repo it will be in sentryWrapper.ts

  3. Include the environment variable during Sentry initialisation. Our GCLOUD_PROJECT Id will be the environment Id

  4. Once done you have to deploy the function if its function repo and for web repo we can just restart the application for testing the changes locally.

  5. For testing purpose you can throw different errors manually for each env.
    For Dev - throw New Error('Error in biddirect-2)
    For Develop - throw New Error('Error in visn-develop-branch)
    For Pre - throw New Error('Error in visn-pre)
    For Prod - throw New Error('Error in visn-app)

    and you can deploy the function for each env individually and do some changes to trigger the function to throw error

  6. Once error is thrown it will be captured by sentry separately for each env. The Sentry UI has an environment dropdown which will allow you to switch between environments.

  7. Initially you can find All Envs option selected in the dropdown. you can choose the environment from the dropdown to filter the errors which belong only to that particular environment.